Feng 🎋 Shui by Jacqueline Albert Pepper

Transform your Energy, Transform your Life

🎋Wood Element Season Kicked off today🎋

Most years Feb 4th-May 5th. If born in the season of wood it plays a strong role in your natal chart.

Wood is the element connected to:
🎋long range planning
🎋decision making

Manhattan, the town I lived, worked & spent a lot of time in, is ruled by the element of wood. The shape is rectangular and the colors are dark greens, greens and light blues, like aquamarine.

Emotions connected to Wood are:
🎋romantic in love

When in an imbalanced state, anger comes up.
Wood on the compass is connected to East & South East.
Pay attention to these areas of your home and it’s the usual things:
those areas in your space.

Astrology & Feng Shui which go hand in hand both rely on 5 elements. I won’t do Feng Shui without the astrology or you don’t get the good JuJu you deserve.

Peace and harmony,
Jacqui Pepper 🌶
For more on your chart and what season you were born in… book your reading now.


#JAFengShui #ChineseAstrology #FengShui #Wood #FiveElements #Astrology #Season #Birth #Chart #Natal #Destiny #Luck #Pillars #BaZi #Chi #Abundance #SouthEast #East #GreenDragon #Kindness #Planning #DecisionMaking #Anger #Green #Lightblue #Energy #Cleanse #Rectangle #Declutter #Manhattan

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